Remembrance Day Ceremony at Westboro
Westboro School’s Remembrance Day Ceremony will be held on Friday, November 8th at 10:30 a.m. in our school gymnasium. All are welcome to join us for this special event. Students who are in Cadets, Sparks, Beavers, Brownies, Cubs, Guides, or Scouts are encouraged to wear their uniforms to school on November 8th; they will play a special role in our ceremony entering with our Canadian flag.
It is tradition at Westboro to honour our military families both with our Wall of Honour and Westboro Family Tribute.
Wall of Honour: If there is a relative in your family that has served or is currently serving in the military, please email Mrs. Richard ( for a Name Plaque form. It will be sent home with your child and we ask for it to be returned by Friday, November 1st. These plaques will be displayed on our Wall of Honour at the front of our school. If you have submitted a Name Plaque in previous years, the school has kept it and it will be displayed again. If there are any changes (ranking, deployments, etc.) please advise that a replacement form is needed and we would be happy to provide one for you.
Westboro Family Tribute: If you have a picture of a family member who has served or is currently serving in the Canadian Armed Forces, please send a digital copy to Mrs. Richard ( It does not have to be a picture of your family member in uniform and can be a picture of your family member with your child(ren) who attend Westboro. Along with the picture, please also include in your email: name of the person/people in the picture, rank (for family member served/serving), and relation to your child(ren) who attend Westboro (i.e. grandfather, aunt, brother, great-grandmother, etc.). Please ensure these are sent by Friday, November 1st to allow time to add these to our existing tribute. Like the Wall of Honour, if you need to make any changes to a previous submission, please notify Mrs. Richard who is be happy to make modifications as needed.